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As the new year unfolds, athletes in our area are gearing up to tackle fresh challenges and elevate their performance to new heights.

What better way to kickstart the year than by setting SMART resolutions that pave the way for athletic success? In this blog, Dr. Thomas guides you through the process of creating goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound – the SMART approach to setting objectives that lead to tangible and impactful results.

  • Specific: Define Your Athletic Aspirations Clearly
    When setting goals, be specific about what you want to achieve. Instead of a vague resolution like “improve my performance,” specify the skill, outcome, or milestone you’re targeting. For example, “increase vertical jump height by 4 inches” or “reduce 5k run time by 1 minute.”
  • Measurable: Track Your Progress and Celebrate Milestones
    Make your goals measurable to track progress effectively. Define criteria that allow you to quantify your achievements. Whether it’s the number of reps, the distance covered, or the weight lifted, having measurable targets provides clarity and allows for regular assessment.
  • Achievable: Set Realistic Goals That Challenge You
    While aiming high is commendable, it’s crucial to set goals that are realistically attainable. Assess your current abilities and consider the time and effort required to reach your objective. Setting achievable goals fosters motivation and prevents discouragement.
  • Relevant: Align Goals with Your Overall Athletic Journey
    Ensure your resolutions align with your broader athletic aspirations. Your goals should contribute to your overall growth and success. Whether it’s improving a specific skill, building strength, or enhancing endurance, relevance keeps your efforts focused and purposeful.
  • Time-bound: Establish a Timeline for Your Achievements
    Attach deadlines to your goals to create a sense of urgency and commitment. Having a timeline provides structure and helps you stay disciplined in your training. For instance, “complete a half marathon in under two hours by June” sets a clear timeframe for the goal.

This is how Dr. Thomas recommends you get started

Reflect on Your Athletic Journey:  Take a moment to reflect on your achievements and challenges from the past year. What aspects of your performance do you want to enhance or refine?

Identify Specific Areas for Improvement: Pinpoint specific skills, techniques, or physical attributes you want to develop. Whether it’s speed, agility, strength, or endurance, clarity is key.

Quantify Your Goals: Assign numerical values to your goals. Whether it’s a target time, a number of repetitions, or a distance, having measurable metrics allows you to track your progress.

Assess Achievability: Consider the feasibility of your goals based on your current fitness level, available resources, and time commitment. Aim for challenges that stretch you but are ultimately attainable.

Connect Goals to Your Athletic Vision: Ensure your resolutions align with your long-term athletic vision. Each goal should contribute to your overarching journey and bring you closer to your ultimate objectives.

Establish Timelines: Assign realistic deadlines to each goal. This could be monthly, quarterly, or aligned with specific events or competitions. Having a timeline creates a roadmap for your progress.


Did this article help you? If so send it to a mom or dad raising an athlete! This information is golden for athletes everywhere! Remember that SMART resolutions are your compass to athletic success. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals provide the structure and clarity needed to turn aspirations into tangible achievements. Set your sights high, commit to your resolutions, and watch as your athletic journey unfolds with purpose and success. Here’s to a year of breakthroughs, milestones, and reaching new peaks in your sports performance!